суббота, 10 августа 2024 г.

2 словные фразы dictionary of short conversational phrases of 2-3 words such as

 Set up the situation and wait (and hope and pray!)

repetition is what increases the strength of your brain’s 

Make up your own cute phrases at home during daily routines and say them over and over so your  BRAIN expects what’s coming next.  Making the Leap from Words to Phrases.... Tips for Helping Your Toddler Learn to Combine Words - teachmetotalk.com

***************holistic phrase****************

I did it!                 I got it!                 There it is!          Here you go!

See ya!         Where (did it) go?           Right there/ Right here                That one/ This one

No way!               Oh man!              Gimme 5!


Я сделал это! Я понял! Вот оно! Вот оно!

Пока! Куда (оно) делось? Прямо там/ Прямо здесь Тот/ Этот

Ни за что! О, чувак! Дай мне 5!

****************************************novel sequences such as

Oopsy daisy,”

There’s a ___________.

That’s a ____________.

I see a _____________.

I want _____________.

I like ______________.

Give me ____________.

Есть ___________.

Это ____________.

Я вижу _____________.

Я хочу _____________.

Мне нравится ______________.

Дай мне _____________.

******************************* Finish teach me to talk

Two-Word Phrases for Toddlers

  • More please
  • All done
  • Big truck
  • Red ball
  • Blue car
  • My turn
  • Help me
  • Go home
  • Stop that
  • Come here
  • Sit down
  • Stand up
  • Open door
  • Close box
  • Eat food
  • Drink water
  • Night night
  • Bye bye
  • Hi there
  • Good job
  • Nice try
  • Look here
  • Play time
  • Read book
  • Wash hands
  • Brush teeth
  • Find toy
  • Jump high
  • Run fast
  • Sing song

Play nice

Big hug

Share toys

Drink milk

Sleep tight

Go outside

Be kind

Eat fruit

Dance fun

Teddy bear

Children also need: 35 words

  • Social words (such as bye-bye, hi)
  • Requesting words (such as please, more, again)
  • Verbs/action words (such as go, eat, sleep, drink, jump, open, push)
  • Early pronouns (such as me, mine, my, I, you)
  • Prepositions/location words (such as in, out, off, on, up, down, here, there)
  • Negation (such as no and then later contractions including don’t, can’t)
  • Adjectives & adverbs/descriptive words (such as big, hot, fast, yucky)

Vary the way you model phrases.

  • Verb + Noun – “Read book,” or “Eat cookie.”
  • Pronoun + Verb – “I run.”
  • Pronoun + Noun – “My shoe,” or “You(r) turn.”
  • Adjective + Noun – “Yucky milk.”
  • Noun + Preposition – “Arm in.”

Expand his single words to phrases and repeat these to him.

  • When he says, “Car” to ask for a car, you model, “Want car.”
  • When he sees a car and is labeling “car,” you model, “There’s car.”
  • When he’s making the car move, you model, “Go car.”
  • When you are playing cars with him, take it from him and teasingly model, “My car.”
Teach phrase patterns so he has a model of what words to combine. Use predictable patterns for extra practice, since motor planning will be easier if one word is changed.

  • Good news
  • Be honest
  • Chill out
  • Don’t panic
  • Enjoy life
  • Baby steps
  • Have faith
  • Stay strong
  • Slow down
  • Be still
  • Keep calm
  • Thank you
  • Dream big
  • Aim high
  • Be yourself
  • Dance today
  • Fear not
  • Stay focused
  • Just believe
  • Give thanks
  • Follow through
  • Inhale, exhale
  • Find peace
  • Stay wild
  • Be brave
  • Live fully
  • Take care
  • Of course
  • You’re welcome
  • Good morning
  • Happy birthday
  • I’m sorry
  • See you
  • All gone
  • No way
  • Hold on
  • What’s up?
  • I’m in
  • Not yet
  • Sounds good
  • Take care
  • See you
  • Come on
  • Why not?
  • Good job
  • Well done
  • Hang on
  • Let’s go
  • I’m out
  • No problem
  • Just kidding
  • Be right back
  • Got it
  • On my way
  • Call me
  • Miss you
  • Love you


Awkwardly awesome

Seriously silly

Utterly ridiculous

Hilariously cheesy

Wonderfully weird

Eerily entertaining

Freakishly funny

Genuinely goofy

Incredibly awkward

Deliciously dumb


Forever strong

Unbreakable bond

Dream big

Love deeply

Stay wild

Carpe diem

Find peace

Embrace change

Be brave

Live fully


Resilient spirit

Creative mind

Compassionate heart

Adventurous soul

Positive thinker

Curious explorer

Tenacious achiever

Loyal friend

Ambitious dreamer

Loving parent


Seriously, no

Epic fail

Oh, great

Not impressed

Yeah, right

Totally kidding

Oh, joy

Super fun

Too easy

No way

Thank you

Good morning

All right

Take care

Of course

You’re welcome

I understand

Happy birthday

See you

I’m sorry

Fearless leader

Rebel soul

Cosmic traveler

Limitless potential

Urban legend

Electric vibes

Radical thinker

Maverick spirit

Timeless beauty

Soul survivor

Just do

Think different

Stay hungry

Dream big

Be yourself

Carpe diem

Stay foolish

Live bold

Keep exploring

Imagine all


Believe deeply

Inspire change

Rise higher

Conquer fear

Never settle

Embrace life

Find strength

Choose love

Create magic

Defy limits

Red sunset

Scarlet rose

Crimson skies

Red lipstick

Ruby slippers

Red alert

Red carpet

Red wine

Fire engine

Cherry red

Hip flip

Swift drift

Bright light

Day play

Quick pick

Heart chart

Loud crowd

Wild child

Smooth move

Cool pool

Rebel soul

Fearless warrior

Savage beauty

Ruthless leader

Bold adventurer

Fierce spirit

Relentless pursuit

Steel resolve

Untamed power

Warrior heart

Puppy love

Sweet smile

Baby steps

Cuddle time

Little star

Hug me

Teddy bear

Tiny toes

Baby talk

Kitty cat

Time flies

Rain dance

Crystal clear

Mountain view

Golden sun

Whisper softly

Midnight moon

Ocean breeze

Starry night

Silent night

What Are Two-Word Phrases in Speech Therapy?

“More juice”

“Big dog”

“Red car”

“Go play”

“Mommy help”

“Nice kitty”

“Upstairs now”

“Funny face”

“Quiet please”

“I see”

1. Good News! 

2. Accept Yourself 

3. Be Honest 

4. Chill Out 

5. Don't Panic 

6. Enjoy Life 

7. Forever Free 

8. Baby Steps 

9. Miss You 

10. Good Job! 

11. Be Spontaneous! 

12. Have Faith 

13. Explore Magic 

14. Hold On 

15. Imperfectly Perfect 

16. Invite Tranquility 

17. Just Imagine 

18. Laugh Today 

19. Be Kind 

20. Notice Things 

21. Shift Happens 

22. Have Patience 

23. Let Go 

24. Stay Strong 

25. Slow Down 

26. Be Still 

27. Start Living! 

28. Keep Calm 

29. Thank You 

30. Think Differently 

31. Start Somewhere 

32. Be Optimistic 

33. Dream Big 

34. Aim High

35. Be Yourself 

36. Dance Today 

37. Don't Stop! 

38. Breathe Deeply 

39. Enjoy Today 

40. Fear Not 

41. Cherish Today 

42. Getting There 

43. Well Done 

44. I Can 

45. Find Balance 

46. Be Fearless! 

47. I Will 

48. Infinite Possibilities 

49. Look Within

50. Stay Focused 

51. Just Believe 

52. Give Thanks 

53. Follow Through 

54. Inhale, Exhale 

55. Everything Counts! 

56. I'm Loved 

57. Everyone's Special 

58. Call Me!

59. Come Back 

60. Hello Gorgeous 

61. Just Because 

62. Love Endures 

63. Love You! 

64. Miracles Happen 

65. Perfectly Content 

66. Friends Forever

67. Be Safe

68. Stay Beautiful 

69. True Love 

70. Hello Beautiful 

71. You Matter 

72. Trust Me 

73. Love Fearlessly 

74. You Sparkle! 

75. Much Love! 

76. Love Struck 

77. Unconditional Love

78. Love Fiercely 

79. Adore You 

80. Butterflies, Still 

Cool Two-Word Phrases

81. Feeling Groovy 

82. For Real 

83. Game On! 

84. Forget This

85. Keep Calm 

86. Oh, really? 

87. No Boundaries 

88. Shine On 

89. Have Fun! 

90. Stay True 

91. Take Chances! 

92. Pretty Awesome 

93. Keep Smiling 

94. Oh, Snap 

95. Think Twice 

96. Loosen Up 

97. Treasure Today 

98. Not Yet 

99. Try Again

100. What If? 

101. Tickled Pink 

102. You Can 

103. Wanna Play? 

157+ Two-Word Phrases (Complete List) - TME.NET

105 Two-Word Phrases - Parade

мотивационные фразки 225 Three Word Quotes For Quick-Hitting Motivation (theenemyofaverage.com)

120 Inspiring Three Word Quotes  120 three word quotes and more email laughter signatures! (laughteronlineuniversity.com)



During an interaction with your little one, speak to him using a 2-word phrase, such as “all gone!” or “bye Daddy” or “more milk.”


By expanding on your child’s language, you are reinforcing what he’s saying and helping to build his vocabulary as well. For example: Your child says “ball.”  You say “red ball,” or “big ball,” or “throw the ball.”


Instead of just saying the words, try using a higher-pitched, exaggerated voice. It works!

4. PLAY!

Remember, play is a child’s work. Much learning takes place as you interact with your child in the realm of imagination and play. Take advantage of your time together and play intentionally! Here are some examples:


There are endless opportunities to implement 2-word phrases as you pretend to cook together:

  • “Snack time”
  • “Eat banana”
  • “Drink milk”
  • “I’m hungry”
  • “Thank you”
  • “Yes, please”
  • “Beans, yum”
  • “Apple pie”


  • “Go fast”
  • “Car crash”
  • “Red car”
  • “Up, up, up”

Outdoor play:

Playing outdoors will always be a favorite go-to for kids. There’s so much to discover, and the opportunities are endless. Use outdoor play all year long to talk about each new discovery:

  • “Cold snow”
  • “Go for a walk”
  • “Build a fort”
  • “Mud puddle”
  • “Ride bike”
  • “Bird’s nest”
  • “Climb hill”
  • “Pretty stones”


What a great resource books can be! You can find many toddler-targeted books to help build their vocabulary, advancing from a 1-word repertoire to a 2-word conversation! Here are some suggestions provided by andalusiaspeech.com:

  • Fox’s Socks
  • Pants
  • Where is Maisy?
  • Big Little
  • Where Is the Green Sheep?
  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

  • I see swing

  • Want swing

  • Let's go swing 

  • My turn swing

  • Get off swing 

  • Push me on swing 

  • Daddy swing

  • Sister swing

  • Ow, fell off swing 

  • Swing broken

  • Bye bye swing

  • I want milk

  • More milk

  • I like milk

  • I see milk

  • Is that milk?

  • Baby’s milk

  • Milk spilled