среда, 5 июня 2024 г.

я жалуюсь на дєбору

 Сегодня занятия закончились рано. Учитель Хэхер  завершила занятия до 12 часов. И у меня есть время что бы написать краткий отчет о моей работе в цетре Киндо

Я работала по 8 часов в день.

Я имела короткий перерыв.

Все время я находилась с детьми. 

В ценрте детей не много.

Я знала их всех по именам.

Даже тех, кто не разговаривал.

В первый день моей практики в центре был новый ребенок.

Это был маленький мальчик. Примерно 6 месяцев.

Он все время плакал. 

Мне поручили его успокоить.

Я его успокаивала.

Я держала его на руках.

Через час он успокоился.

Я думаю Дэбора поняла что я могу хорошо быть с детьми.

И в конце дня предложила мне работу в центре.

В течении всей моей практики я постоянно общалась с детьми, убирала помещения, подметала площадку для игр на улице, складывала игрушки, участвовала в кормлении, я меняла подгузники.

Кроме того я провела 3 мероприятия, прописанных в плане практики.

В конце практики я получила предложение от Дэборы стать волонтером.

Я согласилась. Мой график был - каждый понедельник с 2 часов дня до 6 часов дня.

Но после первого же понедельника они отказались от моей работы.

Today classes ended early. Teacher Haeher finished her classes before 12 o'clock. And I have time to write a short report about my work at the Kindo Center

I worked 8 hours a day.

I had a short break.

I was with the children all the time.

There are not many children in the center.

I knew them all by name.

Even those who didn't talk.

On my first day of practice, there was a new child at the center.

It was a little boy. Approximately 6 months.

He cried all the time.

I was tasked with calming him down.

I calmed him down.

I held him in my arms.

An hour later he calmed down.

I think Deborah realized that I could be good with children.

And at the end of the day she offered me a job at the center.

Throughout my practice, I constantly interacted with children, cleaned rooms, swept the outdoor play area, folded toys, participated in feeding, and changed diapers.

In addition, I carried out 3 events prescribed in the practice plan.

At the end of the internship, I received an offer from Deborah to become a volunteer.

I agreed. My schedule was every Monday from 2 pm to 6 pm.

But after the first Monday they refused my job.

Today, classes ended early because Teacher Haether finished her lessons before noon. This gave me time to write a short report about my work at the Kindo Center.

I worked 8 hours a day with a short break. I was with the children the entire time. There weren't many children at the center, so I knew all of them by name, even those who didn't talk.

On my first day of practice, a new child arrived at the center. He was a little boy, around 6 months old, and he cried constantly. I was assigned to calm him down. I held him in my arms, and after an hour, he finally settled.

I think Deborah noticed that I could be good with children because, at the end of the day, she offered me a job at the center. During my practice, I constantly interacted with the children, cleaned rooms, swept the outdoor play area, folded toys, helped with feeding, and changed diapers. I also carried out three events as required by the practice plan.

At the end of my internship, Deborah offered me a volunteer position. I agreed and was scheduled to work every Monday from 2 pm to 6 pm. However, after my first Monday, they decided to end my job.